GEGA0460 L. Geganius (2) (Macerinus)


  • Patrician


  • Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate 378 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Diod. states that there were four Military Tribunes this year, but to these Livy adds the names of Horatius and Geganius. In Diod. Furius bears the praenomen Lucius. On Servilius, see also 382 and 369. Menenius' name is given in full in Fast. Cap. for 380 ({Gr} in Diod.). The cognomen of Cloelius appears from Chr. 354, and the name of the Censor of this year. In Diod. it appears as {Gr} (with variants {Gr}). (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 6.31.1; Diod. 15.57.1; Chr. 354 (Fidenas II et Siculo); Degrassi 102, 394f. Horatius and Furius raided Volscian territory about Antium, Servilius and Geganius that about Ecetra (Liv. 6.31.5-8). (Broughton MRR I)